The meeting was chaired by HE the Governor, Pastor UmoEno, with HE the Deputy Governor, the Secretary to the State Government, the Head of the Civil Service, the Executive Assistant/Chief Delivery Advisor, All Commissioners, and the Special Adviser in attendance.
Council decisions
1. The report of the Committee on Local Business Support was presented by HC-Trade and Investment, who informed the council that the applicants had been identified and verified. After deliberation, the Council referred the report back to the committee for further work. The Governor consequently extended the life of the committee post-EXCO decision.
2. The Governor also mandated HC-Women Affairs to act, as his representative, on the outstanding events related to the Ministry OF Women’s Affairs and Social Welfare. This is to give her authority to act, despite the dissolution of EXCO.
3. The report on the proposed Power Summit was presented by HE the Deputy Governor. The report proposed a two-day summit to discuss and develop a roadmap to the creation, sustainability, and profitability of the new Akwa Ibom State Electricity Market. The committee report was received and referred for further work. The life span of the Committee was extended beyond the dissolution of the EXCO.
4. The report on the visitation to the Mother and Child Hospital in Oko-Ita was presented by HC-Economic Development, who informed the Council that the facility will soon be ready for hand-over from the SDGs Office. The committee was tasked to continue their work.
5. The report of the proposed Corporate Akwa Ibom Summit was presented by the SSG, expressing the need to effectively identify, recognize, and celebrate Akwa Ibom people who are doing great things globally. The report was discussed, and further work was recommended. The Committee was charged to continue their work.
6. The report on the Revitalization of Ibom Specialty Hospital was presented by HC-Health. He reported that there is a plan to engage a foreign partner, which is an internationally recognized medical brand. The report proposed equipment upgrades, and personnel upskilling among other things. The report was referred for further consideration.
7. The Dean of the College, HC-Youths and Sports expressed appreciation to the Governor for the opportunity to serve the state under his leadership, promising the continuous loyalty of the members in and out of government.
8. HE the Governor expressed satisfaction with the service delivery of the members of EXCO and assured them that they will remain a treasured part of his administration, despite the dissolution.
9. Motion for dissolution of exco was moved and seconded, consequently, HE the Governor dissolved the Executive Council.
Comrade Ini Ememobong
Immediate-Past Commissioner for Information