A socio-political group Advocates for Good Governance and Humanity (Renewed Hope Agenda) has expressed delight with the performance of Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State describing his desire to work for the success of the state across partisan party lines as legendary.

The group which claimed total allegiance to the All Progressive Party (APC) and President Bola Tinubu made the assertion during a Press conference with journalists on Friday in Abuja.

According to Hajiya Zainab A.Ibrahim
Director General of the group, “As a good governance driven group, we are delighted to observe the unprecedented governance shown by the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno across sectors.

“Although he is of a different political party from ours, we are compelled to commend him to serve as a spur to other Nigerians occupying political positions.

They added, “First of all, Governor Umo Eno has broken the walls of political party pettiness in his style of leadership.

“Renewed Hope Agenda observes with keen interest that immediately after the election, Governor Eno has reached out to all stakeholders in the Nigerian project irrespective of their political parties.

“Such is seen in his smooth relationship with President Bola Tinubu, Senate President Godswill Akpabio and other top APC leaders across Nigeria.

“In his home State, Akwa Ibom, Governor Umo Eno has ensured that Akwa Ibom people are united even with diverse political backgrounds. In an unprecedented manner, he has a good working relationship with all the political appointees and stakeholders of the State across party lines, a reciprocation of which makes State functions to be attended by members of all political parties.

The group highlighted that Governor Eno has ensured that the entire State is on one page with the sole agenda of attracting development to the State, rather than being blinded by party sentiments. “This is a model governance for the entire Nigeria to emulate, especially as this contra myopic leadership style has already yielded fruits for the State” They intoned.

They advised other governors in Nigeria to borrow a leaf from Governor Eno for the needed political development of the entire Nigeria. The governor has greatly impressed us.

They traced the quantum of accomplishments the State has witnessed in less than a year to the governor’s focus on his job which is devoid of distractions in the name of politics or political party rivalry stressing that it is for this reason that Akwa Ibom State ranks enviably high among comity of States in Nigeria in achievements.

They explained, “This is a product of having a good leader in power. The impact of good governance in Akwa Ibom State is seen in all the sectors of development, from agriculture to infrastructure, flying on the wings of the ARISE Agenda which serves as the governance bible of the administration.

“It is no mean feat that the administration has already disbursed over N112 billion Naira for road infrastructure since May 2023, funding 39 new road projects and completing old projects.

“The agricultural revolution in the State is quite impressive.

“From the Ibom Model Farms project to other food sufficiency and security plans, Akwa Ibom State is closing in on food availability, affordability and accessibility.

“This is complemented by the free food distribution programme that is driven by the novel Bulk Purchase Agency of Governor Umo Eno.

“Rural development is on autopilot, where the governor is opening up rural communities to attract the needed development to the doorsteps of the people.

“Education is taking centre stage, with model schools springing up, and, some ready for inauguration.

“There is also healthy health programmes where the governor is connecting the dots in the healthcare sector, with special attention to primary healthcare which is witnessing the construction of new facilities in the sector.

“Youth empowerment and entrepreneurship are receiving adequate attention. N400 million Naira has been approved for disbursement to 800 trainees of the Ibom LED as a grant of N500,000 each.

“Meanwhile, the governor has restored smiles on the faces of the retirees in the State having approved nearly 20 billion Naira for the payment of gratuities to these retirees.

“To cap it all, the compassionate governor has approved the increment of pension for pensioners who retired before 2012 to meet up with the current economic realities in the country.

“The governor with a golden heart has impressed us the more with the ongoing construction of the ARISE Compassionate Homes across the 31 local government areas of the State where 400 Houses are to be built and handed over to the poor, especially widows and their children.

“These houses have boreholes and solar-powered lights.

“Under the Direct Labour Agency, some projects have already been completed, while 19 are ongoing, including the 1 project per local government area initiative of the governor.

The list is endless, and we are resolved not to be blinded by political party differences to fail to acknowledge and commend the governor for being a worthy leader of his people while calling on others to emulate him.

Renewed Hope Agenda stands for good governance with attendant development, and anywhere we find it, we must bring it to public attention irrespective of the background of who is behind such a great feat.

“Governor Umo Eno has convincingly impressed us, and we are proud to identify with him.

“Advocates for Governance and Humanity, therefore, heartily congratulates Governor Eno for being the star of his time, and passionately appeal to him never to allow the steam and flame of this light of good governance he has lit to dim, but to remain aglow until succeeding generations beckon on him.”


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