The official visit of The Worshipful Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark, Clir. Michael Situ, and the Council educational adviser, Mr. David Bromfield to Akwa Ibom State in February 2024 was on the invitation of His Excellency, Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom State.

This landmark visit could be seen as a great development strides on the education sector and a reciprocal gesture in the bilateral agreement London Borough of Southwark
and the Akwa Ibom State Government during the hosting of the Governor in the annual London Political Summit, October 2023.

The positive outcomes of the visit is the proposed education exchange program between Akwa Ibom State and the Southwark Council’s borough, and other potential capacity building and investment opportunities.

The Akwa Ibom State Directorate of Diaspora Matters sees this initiative as rally point to engage the diaspora community in the United Kingdom with the opportunities that is presented in the education exchange program for the greater good in homeland development.

An initiative that builds trust in task of diaspora engagement for the success of Governor Umo Eno’s administration, as the sustainable development goals of revitalizing public education in Akwa Ibom State becomes a needs assessment priority towards the globalization of the Akwa Ibom economy.

This bilateral relationship promises to foster cultural and educational exchanges that will contribute to the growth and development of both regions.

So far it is on record that 271 students from public secondary schools in Akwa Ibom were screened for potential participation in the UK education exchange program with the best three students from each school at the selection process.



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