In line with the administration’s policy thrust of harnessing the economic potentials of the various sectors to stimulate the state economy, the Akwa Ibom State government, through Akwa Ibom Investment Corporation (AKICORP), has invited the Akwa Ibom State Environmental Protection and West Management Agency and all other state-owned enterprises and agencies, for possible restructuring for greater output.

To this end, the AKSEPWA team, led by the Chairman, Obong Prince Ikim, met with AKICORP Board of Directors, Friday, August 30, 2024, to discuss modalities for the Agency’s transition from a social service provider to an income generating Agency.

Obong Prince Ikim, who briefed the Board members on the various income generating lines of the Agency, explained that this income generating mandate can only be effected with the review of the relevant enabling laws, most of which, according to him, are now obsolete.

Ikim stressed that with the necessary laws in place, the Agency would seamlessly, transition to a corporate entity or a Limited Liability Company, thus, opening massive job opportunities for the teeming youths as well as generating income for the State government.

He further stated that circular economy is a gold mine that the government needs to explore as nothing is waste, everything is recycled and reused.

The executive director, other investments, who represented the MD/ CEO, Mr. Imo-Abasi Jacobs, commended the Chairman AKSEPWMA, Obong Prince Ikim and board members for the good work the Agency has been doing and especially for Akwa Ibom being declared the Cleanest State for six consecutive times.

He went further to give guidelines and pointers to which the proposal from the Agency should follow, and the meeting was adjourned to a later date to be communicated.

Accompanying the Chairman were a Board member, Hon. Victor Henry and the management staff.

Also present at the all-important meeting were; Barr Ben Udowa, FCA—Executive Director, other Investments Directorate, Pastor Godwin Ukwat—Executive Director, Agric. Investments Directorate, Innocent Udosen Okure – Head, Project Monitoring & Implementation, Barr. Sunday Edem
Secretary/Legal Adviser, Corporate & Legal Services, amongst others.

Information and Public Relations Unit,


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