Newspaper Review


“In almost 1 year, we have hit the ground running and have shown in practical terms that we came to impact and affect lives, especially those in the rural areas” – His Excellency Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom State

In just one year, Pastor Umo Eno has demonstrated his commitment to building a better life for the people of Akwa Ibom State, particularly in the rural areas. His focus on rural development is a testament to his vision for a state where everyone can thrive, regardless of their location. As George Stapledon aptly puts it, “The spirit of a country, if it is to be true to itself, needs continually to draw great breaths of inspiration from the simple realities of the country; from the smell of its soil, the pattern of its fields, the beauty of its scenery and from the men and women who dwell and toil in the rural areas.”

Pastor Umo Eno’s approach to governance is centered on empowering rural communities, creating opportunities for growth and development, and restoring pride in rural living. He believes that by strengthening the rural areas, people will no longer feel the need to migrate to urban centers in search of greener pastures. This philosophy is echoed in Bunker Roy’s words, “Strengthen the rural areas and you will find fewer people migrating to urban areas. You give them the opportunity, self-respect, and self-confidence, they will never go to an urban slum.”

One of the most commendable aspects of Pastor Umo Eno’s leadership is his deliberate effort to connect with the people at the grassroots level. His appointment of personal assistants from each ward to serve as his eyes and ears on the ground is a brilliant move, ensuring that he remains in touch with the needs and concerns of the people. This approach resonates with Chinua Achebe’s observation, “The rural areas have been deprived by the cities in the past. Development resources and energy should be directed where the people live.”

Moreover, his insistence that all Local Government Chairmen reside in their respective areas is a bold step towards ensuring that leaders are accountable to the people they serve. This move has already started yielding positive results, as leaders are now more responsive to the needs of their communities. As Chinua Achebe further notes, “I’m sure if one turned one’s mind back from grandiose faults to what is happening to the average man or woman or child in the rural areas, we will probably find that’s where the energy for development is.”

Pastor Umo Eno’s commitment to rural development is evident in his conscious effort to gather social data on vulnerable groups in rural areas, with a view to empowering them. His “Back to Farm” initiative, which encourages civil servants to engage in farming, is another innovative approach to promoting rural development and self-sufficiency.

The rural infrastructural renaissance underway in Akwa Ibom State, with interior roads linking hitherto abandoned communities, is a testament to Pastor Umo Eno’s vision for a connected and prosperous state. His leadership is inspiring a new generation of leaders who are committed to building a better future for all.

In conclusion, Pastor Umo Eno’s leadership is a shining example of a commitment to building rural pride and promoting sustainable development. His approach to governance is a testament to the power of visionary leadership and the impact it can have on people’s lives.

✍Micheal Joseph Okon, Associate Chartered Economist ACE, Public Affairs Analyst. 15052024


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